Digital Technologies
in the COVID-19-Pandemic
A transnational Dialogue between Germany and Japan
Digital Technologies and Crisis
The corona crisis is a global challenge whose course is significantly flanked by digital information technologies. In an international comparison, some highly digitized countries in East Asia and Europe have shown how the population can be involved in a digital pandemic response. However, little knowledge exists to date about the extent to which the use and handling of these and other digital technologies in a collective crisis are based on a different sociocultural and ethical understanding of basic values such as individuality, self-determination, autonomy or solidarity. TechCo takes the pandemic crisis as an opportunity to initiate a transnational and interdisciplinary exchange. The aim is to bring young scientists into a culturally sensitive dialogue within the framework of a five-day online conference using the example of Germany and Japan.
Conference Topics
Social Relevance and Ethical Challenges of Digital Technologies
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Technology Critique
National Discourses and Transnational Dialogue on Digital Technologies
Ways Towards a Post-Corona-Society?
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The countdown to the TechCo online conference “Digital Technologies in the COVID-19-Pandemic: A Transnational Dialogue between Germany and Japan” has...
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